About Us

My vision for this is to be a technology stack provider or technology partner for business owners who don’t have the technical know-how or time to explore every possible option in technology and to help these business owners run and grow their e-commerce vision.

Some of these business owners think of themselves as regular business owners. Some think of themselves as entrepreneurs. One thing they have in common is that while many of them don’t have any technology background and others may have some understanding, they acknowledge that technology is important and they need to use it to innovate and grow their business, both online and offline.

I’ve sometimes been referred to as an e-commerce consultant, and other times I’ve been called a technology strategist. The main aim I have is to help these business owners and entrepreneurs get the right technology in place that can help them focus on the business side of running their business, while I focus on the technology that enables that vision and growth.

I don’t want you to feel overwhelmed and certainly don’t want you to feel like you will, at some point, be “stuck” with me and held to terms that you just won’t be able to get out of. I genuinely want to help, but also want to be rewarded for my many years of experience with technology and business.

This is who I am, now tell me something about you.

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